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Time for IMO action on ferries: Sekimizu

Time for IMO action on ferries: Sekimizu
IMO chairman Koji Sekimizu has expressed his belief that it its time for the IMO to take action on domestic ferry safety.

At the opening address of the IMO Legal Committee, Sekimizu stated: "I have the opinion that the time has now come for IMO to step forward to take action to improve the safety of passenger ships carrying hundreds of the general public, regardless of the nature of their voyage, whether domestic or international. Only IMO can take such action."

The address was made at the first IMO committee meeting since the sinking of the Sewol on 14 April. The incident has claimed the lives of over 180 people, with 115 still missing. Domestic ferries such as the Sewol are governed by national regulations and do not come under purview of the IMO.

In statement on the Sewol on 18 April ferry industry trade association Interferry stated: "The safety record within international ferry operations is extremely good in those countries that actively enforce the IMO regulations,which apply to international services. Domestic routes, such as that being operated by the South Korean ferry Sewol, are governed under national regulations. At this point Interferry would like to stress that South Korea is widely respected as a maritime authority."

Sekimizu he has called for the IMO membership to "support a new policy direction to help prevent a recurrence of such incidents in the future."