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Lamprell awarded Saudi Aramco contract

Photo: Scott Graham - Unsplash Scott Graham - Unsplash.jpg
Middle East shipyard Lamprell has been awarded an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) by Saudi Aramco.

The contract is the first award to Lamprell under Saudi Aramco’s Long-Term Agreement Programme (LTA) which it joined in 2018.

Contract consists of two offshore production deck modules and associated pipeline and subsea cables in Saudi Aramco's Marjan Field.

"We are delighted to have received our first LTA contract award since joining the programme in 2018,” said Christopher McDonald, ceo of Lamprell.

“Our team has been working closely with Saudi Aramco over the past few months and we look forward to strengthening our partnership through this project.  Marjan is a strategic asset of global significance and we are honoured to play a role in its development. The award reinforces our commitment to our strategy and we look forward to working on further opportunities in the region."