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CMA Shipping 2022

CMA: Verifying and rewarding shipping decarbonisation

Darren Shelton, Chief Product Officer of FuelTrust and Cameron Mitchell, Director of the Isle of Man Ship Registry (IOMSR), who formally signed an MOU to validate green ships, caught up with Seatrade Maritime News at CMA Shipping 2022.

Under the MoU signed at the show, IOMSR will use FuelTrust’s fuels and emissions digital technology to validate vessels for the flag’s Green Ship scheme, and to collaborate on further projects to incentivize and enable emissions reductions.

Mitchell said that the Green Ship Initiative is due to launch April 1, 2022. “They’re new regulations that we've published, and we hope will reward our clients for all their efforts in green tech: in the use of future fuels and at any efforts with wind assisted propulsion.

“This partnership we have with FuelTrust  works outside of that, but works very much hand in hand with what we're trying to achieve,” said Mitchell.

As a fuel agnostic organisation, Shelton said that FuelTrust can play a role in validating decarbonisation efforts.

“Shipowners far too often are just punished for polluting, and what we really want to see is more incentives to encourage the kind of behaviour that's going to enable true decarbonisation. I believe fuel trust can do that. Because we are fuel agnostic, as owners begin to explore these new fuels in an effort to lower their carbon footprint, we can validate that for the flag, who in turn can work hand in hand with the owners to achieve those goals,” said Shelton.