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CSSC Power and BASF collaborate for onboard CO2 capture system

Photo: CSSC Power/BASF CSSC Power and BASF signing ceremony
CSSC Power and BASF have formed cooperation to expedite the progress of an onboard carbon capture system for commercial maritime applications.

There is growing interest in onboard carbon capture and storage in the shipping industry as a way to reduce emissions from existing ships.

The cooperation aims to address the challenges of energy efficiency improvement and emission reduction in the maritime sector to meet the growing demand for decarbonisation of vessels. 

The two companies will conduct tests against different types of marine fuel and engines to accelerate the development of onboard carbon capture system using BASF’s OASE blue gas treatment technology with low energy consumption, low solvent losses, and an exceptionally flexible operating range, which is developed to tackle unique challenges posed by the contaminants in flue gas sources from fossil power generation plants, steam reformers, waste incinerators, and cement industry.

Under the guidance of the ‘achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality’ goal and the trend of ‘green and low-carbon’ transformation in the shipping industry, CSSC Power is focusing on the development of low-carbon and zero-carbon marine power, energy-saving and environmental protection devices. The cooperation with BASF will help the company promote differentiated layout in the low-carbon and green shipping industry and gain an edge,” said Shao Yu, General Manager, CSSC Power.

Vasilios Galanos, Senior Vice President, Intermediates Asia Pacific, BASF, said, “Interest in carbon capture solutions has evolved rapidly around the world, and we are proud to offer an excellent suite of gas treating solutions under OASE to meet the growing demand. Through our cooperation with CPGC, we are cruising towards a sustainable maritime industry by bringing onboard our extensive experience in gas treatment, as well as our innovation and dedication to sustainability.”