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KS Energy, ICA tie-up to invest in jack-up rigs

KS Energy, ICA tie-up to invest in jack-up rigs
Singapore-based KS Energy and Mexico's construction and infrastructure firm ICA have agreed to form a joint venture to invest $480m to own and operate two jack-up drilling rigs for the Mexican offshore market.

The jointly controlled entity will provide drilling services and heavy capital equipment for the offshore oil and gas exploration market in Mexico. By 2014, the joint venture firm will initially acquire two new high-specification jack-up rigs valued at about $240m each.

“This is only the start for our joint venture entity, and we are confident that there are many more opportunities where, together with ICA, we can offer our drilling capabilities to the oil and gas industry in Mexico,” said Kris Wiluan, executive chairman and ceo of KS Energy.

TAGS: Asia Offshore