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UASC making 'significant investments' in reefer container business

UASC making 'significant investments' in reefer container business
United Arab Shipping Corp (UASC) is expanding reefer with new investments and access to the South American trades through cooperation with Hamburg Süd.

UASC said it plans to make “significant investments” in new reefer units. New equipment will access to the South American markets with its recently announced cooperation with Hamburg Süd.

Through partnerships with leading operators,investment in some of the largest and most eco-efficient container vessels ever built, and a commitment to expanding reefer services, UASC is moving up the rankings of the global container liner shipping industry in a way that reflects our strategic growth plans,” said Gareth Madsen, head of reefer management for UASC.

UASC’s reefer fleet averages just three years of age making it one of the youngest in the industry.

“We are continuously investing in our container fleet to meet customer demand and to comply with the most up-to-date specifications,” Madsen added.