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Indonesia awards more mineral export permits

Indonesia awards more mineral export permits
Jakarta: Indonesia has awarded mineral export permits to 55 companies since it introduced curbs in May, a trade ministry official was quoted as saying.

Due to slow approvals, in early July just 22 firms had received permits, causing exports to plunge 90% and reportedly costing the mining industry $164m a month in lost nickel and bauxite sales.

Of the 55 companies that have gained permits, 32 are nickel ore miners, 6 are iron ore miners, 2 are copper ore miners and 10 are bauxite miners, Deddy Saleh, director general of foreign trade at the Trade Ministry was cited as saying.

Miners that have already received export permits include Newmont Mining Corp, PT Aneka Tambang, Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc, PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores and PT Sambas Mineral Mining.