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Transpac August rate hike flounders

Transpac August rate hike flounders
Hong Kong: Just ahead of the key third quarter, the container revival seems to be stalling as latest figures show the most recent transpacific general rate increase (GRI) recommended for August 1 have failed to take hold.

Figures from Drewry further indicate that spot rates are expected to continue to fall for the rest of the year.

According to Drewry, the price per feu from Hong Kong to Los Angeles last week rose just 3% to $2,452 compared to the previous week, showing that the carriers' announced $500 rate increases have had limited effect on rates, so far.

The Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) 15 lines had recommended an average rate rise of $500 per feu from the first week of August for west coast ports and $700 per feu for east coast ports.